board of refereesの例文


  1. The Congressional legislation also provided for a Board of Referees and a Board of Experts.
  2. Mahal was appointed by Governor-in-council as Chairperson of the Employment Insurance Board of Referees ( 2009-2013 ).
  3. The Board of Referees, the employment tribunal of the day, rejected her claim, however on appeal to the " Umpire " she succeeded.
  4. The board of referees that took the decision, also issued a warning to five other referees, though no action will be taken against them at present.
  5. Because of his work on the State Building act, Laybourne Smith sat on the Board of Referees responsible for adjudicating disputes, and his position on the Architects Board of South Australia was a direct result of his involvement in the creation of the Architects Act.


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  11. "board of railway commissioners"の例文
  12. "board of realtors"の例文
  13. "board of reference"の例文
  14. "board of regent of the university of california"の例文

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